Here is a special treat. It’s an audio effect rack to make any sound your throw at it growl.

It’s based on two eq’s with 2 peaks and 1 notch. When the EQ’s peaks are being modulated it make the sound growl.

eq modulated

I would recommend experimenting with different EQ settings and automating/modulating them. You can even try to use one of Live’s Format EQ presets. The secret here is movement. So map the EQ peaks and notches to a Macro and automate it.

eq format presets


For extra bite I’ve added a few distortion, Saturation and compression plugins.

Please note that this effect boost the volume of the sound significantly but not to worry. There is a Limiter at the end of the effect chain.



You have 5 Macro Controls to mess around with:

Talk – The main Macro that controls the Talk and makes the growling sound.

Yoy –  Controls a Redux plugin to add some digital distortion to the signal

Amp – Blends the sound with a guitar amplifier emulation (recommend to put on low level for added texture).

Saturate – Adds gain to a waveshaper device.

Volume –  Overall volume of the sound controlled by the Glue Compressor make-up gain




1. Double click on the downloaded file to open it up in Ableton Live

2. Click on the Save button at the top right corner of the device

Bass Talk Machine

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