by Side Brain | Jun 16, 2014 | Ableton Stuff, Freebies, Premium Racks
Mid/Side Processing has been gaining popularity in the last 15 years. It allows you to process your Stereo and Mono sonic information separately. Giving you more control over your sound. You can filter, EQ, saturate, compress, or simply just change the volume...
by Side Brain | Jun 13, 2014 | Ableton Live T&T, Ableton Stuff
How can you tell which frequencies to boost or cut in an EQ? You can use a Spectrum Analyzer. There is a great built-in one in Ableton Live called Spectrum. You can find it under Audio Effects. You can even double click and send the spectrum display to a larger view....
by Side Brain | Jun 11, 2014 | Ableton Stuff, Premium Racks
Last week I gave you the Chord MIDI Effect Cheat Sheet. This week we check out the Major and Minor Chord Generators. The Chord Generators are two MIDI Effect Racks that lets you build complex chords with just turning knobs and hitting one note! you can add up to 8...
by Side Brain | Jun 9, 2014 | Ableton Stuff, Premium Racks
A while back Joshua Casper a fellow Ableton Ninja, Posted 15 free EQ eight presets replicating the popular iZotope Ozone EQ. You can get them here for free alongside a very nice EQ tutorial. In Joshua’s post, he is using Live 8. To take advantage of the...
by Side Brain | Jun 8, 2014 | Ableton Stuff, Premium Racks
Better Side Chain Since Ableton Live 9, the Compressor is a new reprogrammed effect and quite different from Live 8 Compressor. A little-known problem is that the new compressor in Live 9 can’t operate fast enough with extreme Side Chain effects....