In this video we see that once we use volume automations on the track fader it basically take away our control from...
Ableton Stuff
Transposition Modulation – Ableton Live T&T #1
I've started a new video series of short tips and tricks for Ableton live. For the first one we take a look at the...
How To: Side Brain – 8 Buttons(Nintendo controller as a MIDI Controller)
In my last post I linked my 8 buttons video where I played a live beat on a Nintendo Controller. In this post I'll...
Side Brain – 8 Buttons (Live Beat on a Nintendo Controller)
In the Last two years I've been hacking different game controllers and now it's the Nintendo Controller turn. If you...
Baduda Filters
I use this rack all the time in my shows. And sometimes even for production. Check out the video below Baduda...