Plogue AlterEgo

Plogue AlterEgo

Speech Synthesizer   Plouge makes plugins with affinity to 8-bit sounds and retro video games. One of their plugins can make your computer sing and it’s free! You can simply write anything you want the AlterEgo to sing and then play it or program it in...
EQers Pack

EQers Pack

This week’s Ableton Rack is a pack of racks. Each rack contains an EQ eight mapped to strategic frequencies for that specific instrument.   This makes EQ coloring and balancing easy. Just load on the track and start moving knobs to hear the sound becomes...
Ableton Mixing Rack

Ableton Mixing Rack

I’ve been going back using the PUSH a lot lately and made a new Ableton Rack that makes mixing with the PUSH so much easier. But since it’s such a great rack and you don’t really need the PUSH to use, it can make your mixing life a lot easier. Just...
Magic Glitch

Magic Glitch

Since Ableton Live 11 we now have the amazing Pitchloop89 from Robert Henke. It’s a buffered delay/stutter/granular sampler thing and it’s incredible. It’s extremely versatile but one of my favorite things to do with it is to map it to an LFO to...